Ahad, 9 September 2012


Assalamualaikum everyone. Hi there,and Happy National Days to everyone. This time our group will share with you about images that trick your minds. There are different types of creative images that we can find in the internet. This image can make your brain think that your eyes are playing trick on your mind. Below are a few interesting images:

1. This images shows a footprint of a person walking on a beach, if you see it for the first time you might think that the sand is coming upward like someone build a sandcastle. But the real image is that it is step inward into the sand. This trick is done by the picture taken with the upward of a camera angle.

2. This card also shows a trick to the brain. As you can see, it is a card of 7 of heart but the image in the middle of the card is different. Using your eyes, try to count how many box it has on it from top to bottom. Then u counts it from the bottom to the top. How many do you see? Did you count it 6 then 7, this shows that the box are arrange to tick your mind.

3. The spiral images in this box can also play trick on the brain. It is easy to notice the trick, you just look around the picture and you would notice that the spiral is actually moving either it turns to the left of right.

4. The picture above are an image that can easily play with the minds, when you look at the picture you will think on how they shape the object until it look like that. The truth is in the ‘angle’ of the picture taken, such as the Lego. It is actually stack together like a normal Lego, then they find the right angle and take a picture of it that look like it is actually combine into a triangular.

5. The mind can also be trick using colors. As you can see that each word spell has different colors where yellow is colored with ‘green’ but when you read the word you would say that it is actually ‘yellow’. When you try to read it fast, you will make a mistake in saying the right colors.

6. What do you see in this picture? The person draw this picture is a very creative artist where we can see different image in one picture.
First you can see is a woman wearing a winter coat walking past a tree with a background of a city in front of her. If you look at it again you can see a shape of a man face with the grass as a beard, the woman coat as his nose, the tunnel as his eyes and etc.

7. Try to look for the black dots, did you notice that when you try to look for its specific place the black dots will go to different position and the place your eyes fixed on became white dots. This image tricks your eyes using its surrounding colors of the black box ad the grey lines. When you look at it of a long time you would even see it when you close your eyes, especially the grey lines.

It is amazing on what the minds can do using our eyes; therefore create lots of creative mages and arts. All this images has its advantages where it makes us use our brain to see what the artist see in their drawings.


Everyone communicates, but not everybody knows how to communicate effectively. In order to become successful, it is important to have proper communication skills.
Some have a natural ability to communicate and a strong sense of confidence or charisma that can make other people listen to what they will say. But how does the rest of the population learn how to communicate with others? Let's start by exploring seven easy-to-follow steps.

1) Confidence
Good people skills start with confidence. Confidence attracts others like a magnet because on some level, the attitude shows this person is worth the time and effort. When using effective communication, one of the most important rules to follow is to look a person directly in the eyes. People who lack confidence tend to avoid eye contact. Avoiding eye contact shows dishonesty. Even though we said wrong stuff, people will still listen and might be believe on what we said.

2) Show Interest
One of the best methods to learn how to communicate with people is to get them to talk about themselves instead of making them listen to you. This helps the other person feel more at ease and boosts his or her confidence. On a more subtle level, it creates a situation where the other person feels obligated to reciprocate. The indulgence of talking places a person in the position of returning the favor and listening to you.

3) Listen Twice, Speak Once
Means that while the other person is talking, give him or her full attention. Stay focused, absorb the information given, and find a way to follow up with a question related to the topic.
Take an active interest in what this person is interested in, and if it's a subject you know nothing about, you can use it to your advantage. Find out more about the subject. When you discover a person's favorite topic, he will have no problem opening up to tell you all about it.

4) Knowledge Is Power
People who travel, read or are aware of current events are a joy to talk to. The more life experience a person has, the better he or she can relate to others. People who travel have the ability to understand other cultures and people who read a lot often have a head full of topics to discuss and can adapt to any conversation. Establish a bond and let the conversation flow.

5) Take a Risk
Another interesting point is self-worth. Self-worth is similar with confidence and regardless of rejection. All too often, people are afraid to take a chance because they fear rejection. Rejection makes a person feel down. In reality, rejection does not change one's self-worth. You are still the same person, as valuable and important as you were before you entered the conversation. No one can take your self-worth away from you; only you can do that. Take a chance and keep trying for what you want.

Nobody ever said learning how to communicate with people would be easy. For some, mustering the confidence required will be a huge step. This is probably the most difficult part, but once you take that step, the rest will fall into place. Have faith in yourself and know that you are as worthy as the next person. Effective communication is an important skill everyone should know, as it is the key to future success and advancement in practically every aspect of life.

Jumaat, 17 Ogos 2012


Assalamualaikum and hi for everyone that read  our blog. You re are most welcome to visit our blog and you maybe will get are little knowledge that we want to show to you guys.

For this post, we likely to write about innovation, as the inovation concept is about changing something that already in the market so my group come across of building with unique features as one of our blog assigment.

Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different rather than doing the same thing better.
So for this post, we will show the top five unique building.

1. The Crooked House ( Sopot, Poland )

Construction of the building started in in January 2003 and in December 2003 it was finished. House architecture is based on Jan Marcin Szancer (famous Polish artist and child books illustrator) and Per Dahlberg (Swedish painter living in Sopot) pictures and paintings.

2. Forest Spiral – Hundertwasser Building (Darmstadt, Germany)

The Hundertwasser house “Waldspirale” (”Forest Spiral”) was built in Darmstadt between 1998 and 2000. Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the famous Austrian architect and painter, is widely renowned for his revolutionary, colourful architectural designs which incorporate irregular, organic forms, e.g. onion-shaped domes.

The structure with 105 apartments wraps around a landscaped courtyard with a running stream. Up in the turret at the southeast corner, there is a restaurant, including a cocktail bar.

3. The Basket Building (Ohio, United States)

The Longaberger Basket Company building in Newark, Ohio might just be a strangest office building in the world. The 180,000-square-foot building, a replica of the company’s famous market basket, cost $30 million and took two years to complete. Many experts tried to persuade Dave Longaberger to alter his plans, but he wanted an exact replica of the real thing.


4.Kansas City Public Library (Missouri, United States)

This project, located in the heart of Kansas City, represents one of the pioneer projects behind the revitalization of downtown.

The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential books that represent Kansas City. Those titles were included as ‘bookbindings’ in the innovative design of the parking garage exterior, to inspire people to utilize the downtown Central Library.


5. Cubic Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

The original idea of these cubic houses came about in the 1970s. Piet Blom has developed a couple of these cubic houses that were built in Helmond.

The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian bridge and he decided to use the cubic houses idea. The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.

Are you impressed with our post about top five unique building?

This unique structure shows that with innovation toward something such as big building it really make world a lot attractive to see. It is also extravaganza creative and critical thinking mind or idea that  make something impossible and  fairy tale become true and reality.


Assalamualaikum everyone! Hi there. It’s been a long time we did not update our blog right? We’ve been so busy with all the tests and quizzes AND all of us is already in ‘raya mood' as you know ‘raya celebration’ is just around the corner. Therefore today, our group will share some benefit information about the greatest inventors together with their inventions that brings benefit to us.


The first invention that brings benefit to us is the telephone. The telephone is an instrument that converts voice and sound signals into electrical impulses for transmission by wire to a different location, where another telephone receives the electrical impulses and turns them back into recognizable sounds. It’s created by the greatest Alexander Graham Bell in 1875. He is the one who built the first telephone that transmitted electrically the human voice. Until now, people still use the telephone although many of them have their own hand phone already.


There are many major milestones in the history of computers, starting with 1936, when Konrad Zuse built the first freely programmable computer. With his inventions, many works can be done systematically and all data can be saved in a safe place.


In 1884, Paul Nipkow sent images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology with 18 lines of resolution. Television then evolved along two paths, mechanical based on Nipkow's rotating disks, and electronic based on the cathode ray tube. American Charles Jenkins and Scotsman John Baird followed the mechanical model while Philo Farnsworth, working independently in San Francisco, and Russian émigré Vladimir Zworkin, working for Westinghouse and later RCA, advanced the electronic model. The creation of television allows people to see and discover many new things likes cooking recipe, others culture and facts about animals. this allows the director of a story to be creative when creating a story as many people watch television.


In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was invented by French mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. However, it was a steam-powered model. In 1885, Karl Benz designed and built the world's first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler took the internal combustion engine a step further and patented what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine and later built the world's first four-wheeled motor vehicle. This invention gives us a chance to move from a place to the desired destination in a short time comparing when using a horse as a vehicles. Nowadays, we can see many kinds and types of vehicles on the road. All this thanks to this inventors as it made our life easier.


Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin on March 14, 1794. The cotton gin is a machine that separates seeds, hulls and other unwanted materials from cotton after it has been picked. It is very useful in the fabric industry as many of clothes are made by cotton.


In 1814, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the first photographic image with a camera obscura, however, the image required eight hours of light exposure and later faded. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre is considered the inventor of the first practical process of photography in 1837. It allows us to capture our precious moment and saved it throughout our life. Memories being captured with the camera cannot be fades and will remain as part of our life.


Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine. Thomas Newcomen invented the atmospheric steam engine in 1712. James Watt improved Newcomen's design and invented what is considered the first modern steam engine in 1765. This allows the invention of train by using the steam engine concept. It gives much benefit to us and the only source of power to generate a train. 


The first functional sewing machine was invented by the French tailor, Barthelemy Thimonnier, in 1830. In 1834, Walter Hunt built America's first (somewhat) successful sewing machine. Elias Howe patented the first lockstitch sewing machine in 1846. Isaac Singer invented the up-and-down motion mechanism. In 1857, James Gibbs patented the first chain-stitch single-thread sewing machine. Helen Augusta Blanchard patented the first zig-zag stitch machine in 1873. Therefore, many kinds of fashion clothes can be created and the sewing is tidier rather than using hands. Hundreds of clothes can be produced in a day and it really makes job easier and faster.


Contrary to popular belief, Thomas Alva Edison didn't "invent" the light bulb, but rather he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1809, Humphry Davy, an English chemist, invented the first electric light. In 1878, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, an English physicist, was the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electic lightbulb (13.5 hours) with a carbon fiber filament. In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison invented a carbon filament that burned for forty hours. With his great help, we can enjoy the advantages and don’t need to use candle to lighten up our night. Furthermore, it is safe to use.


Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Andrew Moyer patented the first method of industrial production of penicillin in 1948. Penicillin can inhibit, slow down and cure bacterial infections. That is a huge benefit, because it can actually save lives. Before penicillin, people would frequently die from simple infections. It was also used as a growth-promoting additive to livestock feed. It not only helps prevent or cure bacterial infections in animals, but it also helps them grow faster. 

It’s great that human brains allow people to think extraordinarily and therefore creative thinking can be developed. All this inventors and their inventions bring their own advantages in our life. Therefore, start thinking creatively and maybe one day, you might be one of those creative inventors in the history.

Jumaat, 27 Julai 2012


Outdoor activity!! We have to make sure that the egg given is not broken by using the item given to us. Basically biskut kering gang is really clueless of what to do about it. then, we do the parachute using paper.. Only one paper! (okay we know it radiculous but that the only idea come in mind).

Our MISS! Waiting with full of desire. Haha  

The "egg"

After throwing the egg then we must open it to discover whether the egg is broke or not. 
"Ohh...hopefully its not broken!"

"We don't seem sure now"

"A little bit more"

"Okay its broken sobs..sobs"

But win or not we do have fun.. So smile!
Okay.. It is not the best performace ever but it make biskut kering gang cooperate well and try our best in every task given to us. SMILEEE :) 

Khamis, 26 Julai 2012


Do you know what is scammperr mean?  Scammperr is a creative technique in the form of checklist that can be used in the development of new from existing product developed by Michael Michalko (wikipedia). Don't understand? Its okay. Let biskut kering give you an example, where you got the parent item like volkwagen car and you need to produce something new with it using scammperr technique. Our group developed a petrol station using the volkwagen item.  To understand more, just google search the word scammperr..(hehe)

Let take a look on our process of developing the replica of "Starcafe Petrol Station".

"Please pay me higher for modelling this car!"

1..2...3..say belacan!

"I will show you my creative side.. Muahaha"

"I must look great.. Secretly posing hewhew"

"I am hungry.. Nyam2.." -Look at aishah face LOL!
"I am a cartonist! Don't disturb me please.. Haha"

Look how messy the table is~

"Please pass me the screw.. Omg its broken!'

The finished work

Our cute cafe
Not only that, we also present our petrol station in class and it was a lot of fun.


OH MY! Forgot what to say!

Yeah we done!

Please be member of our petrol station!